Südtiroler Privatvermieter
Gästehaus Ortswies 36    
Rooms to rent in Dorf Tirol

Gästehaus Ortswies 36    

Rooms to rent in Dorf Tirol
non-binding enquiry
Haus Ortswies 36
Haslachstraße 36
39019 Dorf Tirol
When taking care of guests is a life philosophy
Haus Ortwies 36 is just five minutes's walk from the centre of Tirolo. It enjoys a very quiet spot surrounded by orchards. Anyone wishing to take breakfast on the panorama terrace will be spoilt by wonderful views of the Etschtal Valley.

Paulina Schnitzer has been running the business for over 40 years and her boundless enthusiasm for her role as host has not diminished over time. Paulina receives each guest with pleasure, provides them with hiking and excursion trips and ensures that they feel at ease. Every day she serves up a delicious breakfast that always goes down well.

For the convenience of holidaymakers, they may be picked up from the station on request or be offered a parking space free of charge. It's not hard to enjoy yourself in the face of so much hospitality ...
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· Continental breakfast/Brunch
· Barbeque area
· Garden
· Open car park
· Dogs allowed
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